It can be argued that Australia is not an egalitarian society because of the fact that it does not provide a fair go to everyone. This essay talks about inequality in Australia

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It can be argued that Australia is not an egalitarian society because of the fact that it does not provide a fair go to everyone. The famous fair go idea is nothing but your average democracies responsibilities and this does not even apply to all. Examples of inequality and injustice are shown in Australia's past to non Anglo Saxon citizens, towards asylum seekers and homosexuals. The White Australian policy is a reflection of how the …

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…country wich provides everyone a fair go. To conclude, Australia has no right to pride itself as a fair go country because of its prejudicial treatment to certain types of people including asylum seekers, homosexuals and aboriginals. However, if Australia is so keen on priding itself as a fair go country then only through education of our children who are our future are able to make this statement true and properly democratize this great country.