Issues that a HR director of a MNE would need to consider before the company tries to establish itself in Asia.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Global Economy
An MNE is a system interacting internally in an organisational network among different business units i.e. headquarters and national subsidiaries though it is also concerned with the external factors influencing a MNEs success such as host governments, customers, suppliers and competitors. Managing foreign units effectively challenges MNEs, as Ghoshal and Bartlett 1990 have stated (Dowling et. al, 1999, p. 50). With the aim of successfully overcoming these challenges a company faces when operating in foreign territories i.…

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…mistakes. It is imperative to draw attention to effectively manage international staff, since countries differ from another; the saying "when in Rome do as the Romans do" is the best way of dealing with multi-cultural environments. Especially operating in Asian countries it is important to recognise cultural differences and adopt them to the way of the working life, since the job is getting done in a different way due to varying cultural notions and attitudes.