Issues of discriminations against gay and lesbian couples (specifically in australia)

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Civil Rights
Issues of discrimination against gay men and lesbians The historic disadvantage suffered by homosexual persons has been widely recognised and documented. Discrimination continues to be their experience in employment, laws, policies and programs of government, access to services and exclusion from aspects of public life. There is urgent need for commonwealth action to outlaw discriminatory acts, practices and treatment to which gay men and lesbians are subjected. Extensive consultation with interested parties including gay men …

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…person's right to gender self-identification and incorporate a behavioural perspective. Anti-discrimination legislation should not depend on whether or not the person has undergone sex reassignment surgery or other medical intervention. In addition, it should include provisions regarding the protection of privacy of information as to birth, sex, for example, where documentation of birth sex is required for identification purposes. Constitutional issues of Commonwealth/State responsibility may again arise in relation to the registration of birth.