Issac Singer

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In 1851, Isaac Singer borrowed $40.00 to make a working sewing machine that would become the leader in the sewing machine industry and famous around the world. Isaac Merritt Singer was born on October 27, 1811 in Troy, New York to a large family of German immigrants. When he was twelve he left home and went to Rochester and worked all kinds of unskilled labor jobs until he was 19 years old. He found a job as an apprentice machinist …

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…Singer and the Sewing Machine : A Capitalist Romance New York: St. Martin's Press, 1996 History of the Singers of the Sewing Machine Internet address: History of Newark by Bob Hoeltzel, Arcadia Town Historian Internet address: Microsoft System. Encarta Encyclopedia. "Isaac Merritt Singer" 1998 Edition "The Singer Story" provided as a public service by the Educational Department of the Singer Sewing Company