Israel background information.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Geography
Background Note: Israel PROFILE OFFICIAL NAME: State of Israel Geography Area: 20,325 sq. km.1 (7,850 sq. mi.); about the size of New Jersey. Cities: Capital--Jerusalem.2 Other cities--Tel Aviv, Haifa. Terrain: Plains, mountains, desert, and coast. Climate: Temperate, except in desert areas. People (2001) Population: 6.4 million. Annual growth rate: 2.5%. Ethnic groups: Jewish 5.2 million; non-Jewish 1.2 million. Religions: Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Druze. Languages: Hebrew (official), Arabic (official), Russian, English. Education: Years compulsory--11. Literacy--total population 95% (female 93%; male 97%). Health: Infant mortality rate--5.4/1,000. Life …

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…y in Israel is located at 71 Hayarkon Street, Tel Aviv (tel. 03-519-7575). U.S. Consulate General Consul General--Ronald L. Schlicher Deputy Principal Officer--Jeffrey D. Feltman Chief, Consular Section--Mary D. Draper The U.S. consulate general in Jerusalem has offices at 18 Agron Road (tel. 02-622-7230) and on Nablus Road (tel. 02-622-7230). The Consulate General in Jerusalem is an independent U.S. mission, established in 1928, whose members are not accredited to a foreign government.