Israel and Palestinians

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Essay Database > History
Long ago, a great controversy arose between Israel and the Palestinians. Israel believed it should have the right to the Holy Land; including the city of Jerusalem, the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and the Golan Heights. At the same time, the Palestinians believed that they had the same rights. That controversy still exists today, and at nearly the same intensity. The ambassador to the United Nations has asked me to prepare a proposal to …

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…of the area's Arab inhabitants fled to Syria. After the Six Day War, Jewish settlement was renewed on the Golan. Kibbutz Merom Golan was founded in July, 1967, and other settlements quickly followed. In October, 1973, Syrian forces shocked Israel's defenses at the start of the Yom Kippur War. Syrian troops nearly reached the cliffs overlooking the Kinneret, before the main Israeli counterattack began. A Separation of Forces Agreement was signed between Israel and Syria on May 31, 1974.