Israel Foreign Policy

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Israel is located in the Middle East, along the eastern coastline of the Mediterranean Sea, bordered by Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt. It lies at the junction of three continents: Europe, Asia, and Africa. Long and narrow in shape the country is only 290 miles in length and 85 miles in width at its widest point. Israel is a country of immigrants. Since its creation in 1948, the population has increased seven-fold. Today, its over six million inhabitants …

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…Territories." U.S. Department of State 2000. 17 April 2000. "Israel in the UN, uneasy relationship" Israel Embasy 2000 16 April 2000. Jones, Helen H. Israel. Chicago, 1986. Kurian, George Thomas. New Book of World Rankings. 3rd ed. New York-. Facts on File, 1991. Metz, Helen Chapin, ed. Israel, a Country StuOy. DA: United State Government, 1990. Meyers, Stven Lee. "US Seeks to Curb Israeli Arms Sales to China Air Force." New York Times 1 1 May 1999-. New York Times Ondisk. CD-ROM. UMI Company.Spring 1999.