"Isolation experienced in the Scarlet Letter"

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"Isolation experienced in the Scarlet Letter" The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne. This essay describes how the theme "isolation" is experienced by Hester, Pearle, and Dimmesdale What do you think about when you hear The Scarlet Letter? Many strong emotions are probably stirring up in your mind. Nathaniel Hawthorne, the author of this superb novel, incorporated multiple well-known themes. The ones he used were very important, but the one that stood out the most was …

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…Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter is isolation. Many characters from various parts of the story experience it. Examples like Hester's alienation during the scaffold scene, Pearl being shunned by children, and Dimmesdale's isolation caused by his thoughts and intentions contributed to the novel's prestige and grandeur. A great story with such emotional significance like this one with always be treasured. Isolation is not only experienced in this tale; it is experienced by everyone in everyday life.