Islamic World

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
In about 610 AD, Muhammad founded the religion of Islam. Muslims, followers of the religion, believe that there is only one god, and that Muhammad is the prophet of that god. Throughout the years, Islam has gone through many changes. Arab society was influenced greatly by bedouin culture. From this culture, Arabs have gotten a deep respect for their families. Fathers made the family decisions. The tribe leader was called a sheikh, and male clan leaders …

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…himself. Much conflict followed, and 'Ali was later killed, allowing Mu'awiya to assume total control. Conflicts still existed, however. People who accepted Mu'awiya as caliph remained Sunni Muslims. 'Ali's supporters became known as the Shi'ah, or "Party of Ali." Many changes occurred in Islam over the first 75 years. Islam is still changing to this day. The basic fundamentals of Islam, however, will always remain that there is only one god and Muhammad is His prophet.