Islamic Fundamentalisn

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
Understanding Islam as a religion is essential to understanding Islamic fundamentalism. Islam is estimated to be the world's second largest religion. This is in terms of numbers. It is also by far the fastest growing of all the major religions. The word Islam, if it were translated into English from Arabic, would be 'submission' (Fregosi). Submission means to submit to the will of God, Allah, and His Word as it was first revealed to Muhammad …

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…they worked for can be destroyed; they are witnessing how truly fragile economic security is. (Clark) As smaller economies suffer tremendously and collapse, much resentment toward wealthy nations develops. Wealthy nations would be blamed for pressuring these bankrupt countries into joining the "free world" that only brought poverty and instability. This would give rise to nationalist or other movements that promise a social welfare state and protection against the volatility of the free market. (Clark)