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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
Before outlining the problems Muslims face in modern society, it is essential to give a background of Islam; the world's second most followed religion. Islam began in its present form 1400 years ago in Arabia, but swiftly become a world faith, and now has around 1,200 million adherents. There are between 1.2 and 2.6 million Muslims in the UK, about 600,000 of whom are active in the faith. Those who are not active still regard being a Muslim as an
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respect for the law. Of course, calls for integrated education and housing have been called for as a solution to the problem, but, while this may help white people integrate better with Muslims, Muslims will lose out on their unique education with regards to the teaching of Islam. Is it right that the people that are being discriminated against, have to give up their right to their own education, to help whites become more tolerable?
respect for the law. Of course, calls for integrated education and housing have been called for as a solution to the problem, but, while this may help white people integrate better with Muslims, Muslims will lose out on their unique education with regards to the teaching of Islam. Is it right that the people that are being discriminated against, have to give up their right to their own education, to help whites become more tolerable?