Isacc newton

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
THINGS had not been going well for the small eleven year old boy at King's School in Grantham England. Isaac Newton was a poor student and his test scores put him next to the bottom of the class. His mind wandered and he liked to stare out the window and think about the experiments and projects he could do at home. Today he had an idea for a windless windmill. He would power it by …

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…available at the time. In doing so, he established the solid platform on which the all modern science could build. Alexander Pope, the leading poet of Newton's age, had written: "Nature and Nature's law lay hid in night; God said, `Let Newton be,' and all was light." From this rare man, whose own emotions and thoughts seemed so often to be in chaos and darkness, came the great ironic gift of order and light.