Isaac Rosenberg dead man's dump - critical essay

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Essay Database > Literature > Poetry
The poem "Dead Man's Dump" written by Isaac Rosenberg, a soldier in the first world war, has made a lasting impression on me. He originally enlisted in the army in October 1915. He was killed upon the western front in France on the first of April 1918. He was twenty years old. I believe that Rosenberg was trying to tell us that the soldiers that had sacrificed their lives in the name of duty were not getting …

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…of utter and total despondency. From title to end Rosenberg bombards you horrific images that he himself is seeing. In conclusion the poem succeeds in giving me an inside view of war with nothing covered up. This view helps me understand the true trauma that he and many other soldiers went through. I believe he wrote the poem to express his frustration towards the futility and horror of war and the inevitability of needless death.