Is your company requiring drug testing?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Is your company requiring drug testing? Some of you may not like the procedure very much. So what's the best possible attitude to have about this matter? You can joke about it-that's ok. You can grumble about it-that's natural. But do you want your employer to change the company policy to stop the testing? Here's what that would probably mean: Firms that do not test these days tend to end up with a greater percentage …

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…in regard to their drug habits revealed: 75% had used drugs on the job 44% had sold drugs to other employees 18% had stolen from co-workers to support their habits So, your employer's drug screening program is an advantage to you. It helps assure that your co-workers will be alert, hardworking and responsible- and that you will go home safely. It may also help individuals who are trying to kick the habit. It's smart to support the program