Is there a moral obligation to obey the law?

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Chemistry
'Must we only obey a just law; should we obey a law because it is just to do so; or else can we not obey at all?' The questions that shall be answered in this essay are 'Must we only obey a just law?', 'Should we obey a law because it is just to do so?' and 'Or else, can we not obey at all?' Before we can answer these questions …

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…M. B. E. Smith: * The duty to obey the law * Is there a prima facie obligation to obey the law? T. Honoré: * Nécessité Oblige B. Bix: *<Tab/>The obligation to obey the law J.M Finnis: *<Tab/>Natural law and natural rights *<Tab/>The authority of law in the predicament of contemporary social theory