Is the reader expected to view the signalman's account of events as reliable in Charles Dickens' story "The Signalman"?

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The story "The Signalman" by Charles Dickens, is a ghost story set by a railway line. Dickens writes the story in the 1st person, as if he himself is meeting the signalman with the disturbing past. The story is slightly unclear, however, as to whether the audience are expected to accept the signalman's version of events or to question them. The narrators own view of the signalman's version of evens wavers throughout the story. To …

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…story may vary on whether we believe him, but the outcome of the story would be the same; the signalman would still be lured to his death by the spectre (or what he believed to be the spectre, depending on whether you believe him or not). I believe it would b impossible to make an informed decision as the narrator put in many biased comments for both sides of the argument, which confuses the reader.