Is the media largely responsible for violent crimes?- Expository Writing Choose Either Pro/Con - I chose PRO:

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Communication Studies
Thesis - 2 Body Paragraphs Period 1 Expository Writing Is the media largely responsible for violent crimes? The media, except for doing the crimes themselves, are somewhat responsible for some of the crimes that take place. Whenever a crime takes place, the media is there, whether it's with a news-crew or a pen and pencil, somehow the events are on the news the next day. Because there is the publicity with a guarantee of headline news on …

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…blockbuster hit the Matrix. This movie has all of the requirements that the criminal x sees as being cool. For example, it's got many scenes of gunfire, and bullets flying in either direction. As soon as Neo and Lio come into the building, they start firing repeatedly It's got explosions, from the helicopter scene, and kung-fu, when Morphus is fighting Lio. These all things are created to entertain, but criminal x might see this differently.