Is the War on Terrorism also a War on the Environment?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Politics
As the U.S. prepares to respond to the ghastly terrorist attacks of September 11, the hard task will be to choose among effective options while minimizing the costs. Environmental concerns might seem trivial and even unpatriotic at a time like this, but the environmental effects of military action pose long-term dangers that we would be foolish to ignore. Thinking in environmental terms at this moment should not be surprising. We must be alert to the …

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…But even if this war is inevitable, the environmental effects of our response both at home and abroad require careful consideration because of their serious long-term implications. The environment is often thought to be an issue for the wealthy, a luxurious concern best addressed in times of prosperity. But it is exactly in times like these that we ought to be especially mindful of the fragility of the planet we are now trying to repair.