Is prostitution a crime?if so, what measures would you take to eradicate this social evil?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
Sociology Is prostitution a crime? If so, what measures would you take to eradicate this social evil? According to the Webster's dictionary, prostitution is defined as "the act or practice of indulging in promiscuous sexual relations especially for money". Prostitution is the sale of sexual services for money or other kind of return, generally indiscriminately with many persons. A person selling sexual favors is a prostitute, a type of sex worker. In a more general …

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…that in today's world a male dominated society is damning to the interests of the country. We are hypocritical beings, fighting for women's rights on one side while favoring our sons and abusing our daughters on the other. Only after we succeed in shattering our myths of males being the superior sex have we made the first crucial step to obliterating the plague of this social evil that course through the veins of our society *****