Is it possible to speak of an English Culture?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
What is it that defines "Englishness"? From creating empires, tea on the lawn, days at the races, keeping a stiff upper limit, Shakespeare, Queen Victoria, thatched country cottages to bingo; is this is a true reflection of Englishness or merely another contrived example of packaged heritage, harking back to an Englishness that perhaps never was. What signs are there today in the English nation of great traditions, empire building, and the pioneering spirit? If you …

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…that for example black and Asian people are more likely to identify with than Englishness. Bibliography Bywater, M (2000) Englishness: Who Cares? UK & USA: The New Statesman Ltd 2001 Gill, S (2000) The United Kingdom? Englishness in the Age of Devolution Poland: The British Council Quinn, D (1993) Understanding Northern Ireland Manchester: Baseline Book Company Todd, M (1999) 'Anglo-Saxon Origins: The Reality of the Myth - Accessed on 02-03-02