Is immigration from third world countried jeopardizing American economy and culture?

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Currently, the United States accepts over one million legal immigrants every year. The number of illegal immigrants is probably exceeding that number by a long shot. Seventy percent of the United States' population growth is due to immigration. This extreme number of immigrants has simply overwhelmed our country's ability to continue to provide for newcomers and natives alike, and in many cases has only added to America's problems. Our country is already burdened by under …

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…by recognizing the limits to government spending, ordering spending priorities around the needs of American citizens, and establishing realistic limits on the number of immigrants that the United States economy, society, and environment can sustain. At a time when initial efforts to reduce spending and balance the budget have already resulted in painful cuts in public services for American citizens, the United States simply cannot afford to continue to accept almost half the world's immigrants!