Is feminism indeed a destructive import, or a necessary adn liberating new way of seeing, behaving and believing?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
The definition of 'Feminism' in the Collins Gem English Dictionary states, "Advocacy of equal rights for women". Feminism might be a Western import, but equal rights are surely beneficial to all parties and in no way destructive. The destruction occurs when people are treated unfairly and jealousy is felt within a family or within a community. Tamba does not have a good relationship with her brother, Nhamo. She cannot be blamed, however, for these feelings …

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…win their fathers love and approval. Eating disorders amongst young women would be few and far between if their fathers love was unconditional. Nyasha was admitted into a clinic because she had a nervous breakdown. Tamba's mother believed it was because of the 'Englishness'. Perhaps it was because she was a strong willed young woman trying to provide a place for herself amongst a male dominated society, a male dominated home. Feminism is indeed necessary.