Is War Worth it? comparing Gallipoli and These fought in any case by wafa nurdin

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Essay Database > Literature > Poetry
Is War Worth It? Every day, of every month, of every year, the media reiterates the fact that there is a war raging on in some forlorn country. The countless victims are but numbers to us. 151 people died in Afghanistan. 23 children shot in Nigeria. As a society, we have become desensitized to the effects of war. Nevertheless, movies, poems and novels constantly remind us of the horrors of battle. Gallipoli directed by Peter Weir, and …

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…th. Both works, Gallipoli and These Fought in Any Case are prime examples of pieces that are against the concept of war. They both emphasize the wastage of lives, and the misleading propaganda that surrounds it. As a society, many lessons are still waiting to be learnt. Each day a war rages on, is another step backwards. As ingenuous as this sounds, if we all loved each other, the world would be a better place.