Is War Nescessary

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
War, to even think about that makes one shudder with utter fear and disgust. War is a terrible evil under any circumstance. Thinking back to some of the recent wars, such as World War 2, Vietnam, and Yugoslavie and one sits back and envsisons the horrible acts that war causes. One can see the scenes of a battlefield, a field of carnage, after the fight is over, the sights and sounds that meet our eyes in …

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…fields are made (see the atom bomb, the jet engine, radar, even the computer) So as you can see War takes a huge toll on human tradgedy, but society as a whole usually benefits from wars in the long run. My personal belief is that War is not nescessary. Who knows how many great inventions we have lost, because that person was drafted to protect his country and died. War is, unfortunalty, human's evil side.