Is TV news Biased?

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Pages: 6
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Essay Database > Literature > English
By law, television news must treat controversial subjects with due accuracy and impartiality. According to recent surveys, the majority of the population regard the television as their most trusted source of information, which makes it even more important that television remains impartial. There is ongoing controversy about the nature of television broadcasting and whether it is unbiased or falls victim to propaganda. In this essay I hope to discover which side has the stronger argument. …

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…arguments that television news is biased but I do not believe that it is to such an extent to cause a national crisis, and as long as the government controls regulation then there is no way that the laws on impartiality could be any tighter than they are already. Therefore, although television news is biased to a certain extent, I believe that it strives to be impartial and bias is only at a sub-conscious level.