Is Religion or Science More Dangerous?

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
Is Religion or Science More Dangerous? As long as religion and science exist, man has asked the question, which one is more dangerous? However, over the centuries man has figured out that the answer is not that simple. Many aspects are involved that have to be taken into consideration. Some scientists argue that religion can cause more harms, but on the other side believers of many religions point their fingers toward science as being the …

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…question, which is more dangerous, religion or science, can not be answered as easily as some people think. Many aspects have to be taken into consideration. They both benefit humankind and they both equally endanger humankind. Religion can be as destructive as science, and science can be abused by people in powerful positions as much as religion can, and if lack of knowledge is at work, they both can become harmful for all people involved.