Is Pornography A Threat To The Freedom of Women?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Philosophy
Is Pornography A Threat To The Freedom of Women? <Tab/>In today's wireless world, access to information is readily and quickly available. Pornography is no exception and great concern has been raised at a social level about its effects. Pornography is certainly a threat to all women. Because the vast majority of pornography depicts women, they are particularly vulnerable to its effects. Many studies have demonstrated that pornography encourages aggressive behaviour …

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…are indeed still inferior to them. This mentality threatens the freedom of women as it may creep into the minds of our judges, our police officers, our politicians and other people of an authoritarian nature. In all, it may be that freedom of expression and freedom of the press should allow the existence of pornographic material, but if its existence infringes on the freedom of women, then it is a right which should be reexamined.