Is Plausibility a Good Word for a Farewell to Arms

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Is Plausibility a good word for A Farewell to Arms? Many fiction novels have events that can be linked with experiences the author has gone through in their life, no matter how unclear from the author's experience it may be, marks of their lives can often be seen in many of their novels. The events in A Farewell to Arms can be plausible only if Ernest Hemingway actually did them or had similar encounters. A …

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…en achieved without using plausibility. While reading the book I would always ask my self, "What happens now?" But when I got to the end I wanted the book to go on forever, there was no definite ending. Hemingway leaves the readers emotionally exhausted at the end when Catherine and the baby die, this shows that for Fredric Henry, there is nothing more important in his life other than his one and only love, Catherine.