Is Our Food Safe? Includes Bibligraphy

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
Has the food industry really gone through many changes in the last century? Every day each of us enjoy the foods we love, but are these foods healthy for us? E-coli and Have you ever taken the time to actually read the ingredients list on the foods you buy and consume? Technological changes in the way food is grown and processed can be more harmful to public health than most of us are aware of. …

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…S. Meat Industry (Prometheus Books, 1997) Sinclair, Upton, The Jungle, Penguin Books (New York: 1906). Young, James Harvey, Pure Food: Securing the Federal Food and Drugs Act of 1906, Princeton University Press (Princeton: 1989) Ronnie Cummins / National Director of the Pure Food Campaign < > Target Television Enterprises, Inc. Copyright ©2000-2004 <> Pure Food <>