Is Nuclear War a Possibility.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Military
Is Nuclear War a Possibility? A nuclear weapon is a bomb or warhead whose great explosive power derives from the release of nuclear energy. They are the most monstrous weapons of our time and there is no illusion about the reality of their danger. The world watched in horror when the USA dropped two Atomic Bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of the Second World War. At 8:15 in the …

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…world leaders to continue developing these weapons and not to use them? The threat of using nuclear weapons is high and is increasingly becoming more likely, there can be no higher priority for the international community than to reckon with the implications of nuclear weapons by taking immediate and forceful steps to reduce the threat of nuclear weapons use. How and when we do this will determine if there is a nuclear war or not.