Is Iraq War similar to the Vietnam War?

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Essay Database > History > War & Conflicts
From a distant view, the last two wars that America fought against international condemnation, the Vietnam War and the Iraq War, seem to be extremely different. However, on a closer look, the wars seem essentially the same. First let us look at the differences; the first one is obviously, the time-frame. Vietnam, a country a part of the French Indochina, was long struggling for its independence, ever since the World War I, first against the …

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…took place in were poverty-stricken nations, in which people, rather than democracy, actually desired a decent income, to fulfill their daily life necessities. Both these wars were a result of American arrogance, in one case the US wanting to prevent Communism to say that democracy was the superior form of government, and in another, wanting to show the Islamic world its might. Therefore, despite differences between the Vietnam and Iraq War, therein lie the similarities.