Is "Death of a Salesman" an American Tragedy?

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"Death of a Salesman" has been called the first American Tragedy. The basis for this is the fact that Willy, the main character, has the needed tragic flaw and tragic end, and for those who believe this is a tragedy, also is the tragic hero. I disagree with this idea, because to be a tragic hero, you need to have power and status to lose. Willy has neither power nor status to lose, except that …

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…well liked by everyone that knew him. Had he realized that he was nothing big, he might have been better off. He would have changed his perception of things, and everything would be different. Even though Willy is not a true tragic hero, he still has the flaws and ends in a manner suitable for a tragedy. This is about as close as a story can come to being a tragedy without actually being one.