Is Australia's 'Pacific Solution' valid at international law?

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Geography
The Australian government uses a rhetoric of fear when discussing refugees and asylum seekers by using such terms as 'illegal', 'unauthorised entry', 'SIEV' (suspected illegal entry vessel), and 'terrorist', putting into the minds of Australians the misconception that refugees who seek asylum in our country are somehow performing an illegal act. It is the government who is performing illegal acts against these people. There are many NGOs and high profile individuals who have clearly stated …

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…and Political Rights', 1966, Office for the High Commissioner for Human Rights. Accessed 8 May 2005 from UNHCR, 'Universal Declaration of Human Rights,' 1948, Office for the High Commissioner for Human Rights. Accessed 6 May 2005 from UNHCR 2001, 'The 1951 Refugee Convention', United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Accessed 6 May 2005 from Vanstone, A. Sunday (video recording), 6 March 2005, NBN Television.