Is Australia turning into an American State?

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Geography
In a time of change and social upheaval, we, as Australians, must become conscious of the fact that we are not immune. We will change with the world as well, but we must endeavor to remain autonomous to aggressive Western states. Already we have started to turn from a proud, independent nation into a subjugated state of external powers. The one time firm and resolute stance that Australia took to prevent becoming dominated by foreign …

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…bush". While it is obvious that the city Australian is turning to be the predominant class, it is not inevitable that the bush-man will become extinct. It is up to the youth of Australia to prevent any further corrosion of their culture. A resolute stance is required to prevent any additional deterioration of society. As Australian society changes, we must strive to maintain a semblance of independence. For without that, we are no longer Australia.