Is Australia a Class Society? If so, in what sense?

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
Introduction Australia, historically was founded on the notion of a land deviod of class, as equal opportunity for all existed on a country newly born on mispercieved terra nullis. Settlers came as convicts from overcrowded prisons in England and was brought to an entirely new land and a new beginning. Beyond that there was a rigid class division, involving at one level, the transported convicts, at the other level, the military and administrative colonial masters. …

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…Unequal, Traditional and New Views', in P.Symth and B. Cass (eds) Contesting the Australian Way, Cambridge University Press: Melbourne, Chapter 13 Word IQ 2004 ; Last modified 2004 'Egalitarian' Accessed 11th September 2004 < > Word IQ 2004 ; Last modified 2004 'Glass Ceiling' Accessed 11th September 2004 < > Power In Society : GOVT 1104 Assignment 2 Is Australia a class society? If so, in what sense?