Irony in

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Anzia Yezierska, in The Lost Beautifulness, uses irony as a principle literary device to convey her themes of immigration to the reader. The story is built on one ironic situation after the other, even though it is not immediately clear; it only becomes apparent once the story has been read and the different incidents fixed together. The Lost Beautifulness culminates into an ending based on the layering of many events that the author subtly manipulates …

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…may not seem as harsh or influential to the work because of their insignificance to American citizens. Through Hanneh Hayyeh in The Lost Beautifulness, Anzia Yezierska is able to show that immigrants themselves took the most advantage of one another in trying to survive in America. In writing this story, Yezierska hoped to achieve a response of understanding and a remorseful attitude towards immigrant life as it was by ironically criticizing the treatment of immigrants.