"Ironman" by Chris Crutcher.

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Ironman By: Chris Crutcher In the novel Ironman, there are many themes that surround the basic concept of the novel. The theme that stands out the most is making the right decisions and choices and the future effects that these decisions could possibly have. This theme is something that haunts the main character Bo Brewster throughout the novel. Bo often lets his anger get the best of him and this makes him seem like a …

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…team down. He's not only being unfair to the team, but himself also. If Bo makes better decisions then maybe his father will not be so hard on him. Bo needs to realize that he should make decisions based on his future and not on his anger. This ultimately leads to doing the small things that make a big difference in the long run Page 4 of 4 WORKS CITED Crutcher, Chris. Ironman. New York: Dell Laurel-Leaf, 1995.