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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports
Like most Americans, my family is made up of many different ethnic groups. My mom’s side is Irish Protestant descent. My dad’s side is mostly English descent and a little of Native American descent from his mother. There is some in which I do not know because my dad does not know who his dad is. He was adopted by a man named David Mitchell, this is where my last name comes from. …

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…we go over my parents friend’s house and we eat German food, even though we are not German. Bibliography References Moody, T.W. (1995). The course of Irish history. Boulder: Robert Rinehart. Vaughan, W.E. (1989). A new history of Ireland 1801-1870. New York: Oxford University Press. Reeves, P. (1991). Ellis Island. New York: Michael Friedman Publishing Group. (1968). Encyclopedia of Ireland. Dublin: Allen Figgs. Ernst, R. (1949). Immigration life in New York City 1825-1863. New York: Octagon Books.