Irish women in America

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Iris Midlam Erin's Daughters in America The migration of women to America was a difficult move on any level, whether it be following a man, coming with a family or migrating alone. The economic opportunities for women in America were limited. In the nineteenth century America witnessed the largest independent female migration to the United States in American history. Irish women migrated by the thousands seeking economic opportunity and stability. They found that stability in …

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…sphere and receive a repeatable diet. Given the aggressive characteristics of the Irish women, one might think that they would serve as excellent recruits for the feminist movement. Ironically Irish women had no intentions of challenging their gender roles in the family structure. Their migration to America was an economic move, not a search for a new female identity. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography** Hasia R. Diner Erin's Daughters in America 1983 copyright by the Johns Hopkins University press