"Iraq and Vietnam" The teacher did say it was a bit too satirical, but as usual she laughed too hard to give me anything but an A.

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Essay Database > History > War & Conflicts
In the 1960's American soldiers fought a grueling war in Vietnam to fight communism and protect democracy. In the early 21st century American soldiers were sent to Iraq to fight another war to fight dictatorship, protect democracy, and probably to steal oil. Both wars were fought in unknown territory; however, Vietnam was much worse. Both wars were fought over an American political policy, though one was Republican and one was Democratic. Though the Vietnam War …

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…finally gave up in Vietnam. The Iraqi conflict was started by a Republican, put off by a democrat, escalated again into a war by a Republican, and so far a Democrat has not come to fix it. Though the wars were different in intensity, terrain, and because they had many similarities in politics, media, the protection of democracy and the American desire to get rid of every political system in the world other then democracy.