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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
Since assuming Iraq's presidency in 1979, Saddam Husayn has steadily tightened his grip over the country, taking self-aggrandizement to a new level. Whether reconstructing ancient Bablyon with bricks embossed with his name, or inlaying his name in the walls of one of his dozens of new palaces and luxury villas, Saddam has sought to put his signature on everything. He and his family retain absolute control over media inside the country and, by only giving visas …

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…under his grip. Electricity likewise remains insufficient, a shortage not likely to end as Baghdad repeatedly vetoes northern Iraqi attempts to apply oil-for-food income to build generating plants and as it withholds visas from UN workers slated for duty in the north. Nevertheless, while anxiety remains with the shadow of Saddam looming to the south, the situation of the north provides hope that the rest of Iraq will thrive once Saddam is removed from power.