Iran Revolution

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Essay Database > History
In 1979, Ayatullah Khomeini ended a long exile to lead Iran into a revoulution. The Islamic revolution in Iran was no simple event in history. It took place when the Islamic world was going through a political turmoil. The defeat in war with Israel in 1968 had upset the ruling classes in the Arab world. This defeat greatly damaged the reputation of the principles of Arab nationalism promoted by Jamal Abdel Nasser. Nasser had become a cult …

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…common people in the Islamic world as he made Muslims proud of their Islamic identity (Evans). Khomeni built nationalism in Iran. But the outcome of the revolution was an economic downfall. It also resulted in censorship, and caused women to be repressed. After the Shah was exiled and United States Embassy hostage situation, relations with the western countries got worse. This is why the Khomeini Revolution did not lead the Persians towards a better society.