Investigating Niels Bohr: The Atomic Bomb

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I. Dr. Niels Bohr was a very important man and scientist for many reasons. I will cite several here, but many more works and accomplishments will not be listed here. Dr. Bohr was known one of the foremost scientists of the 20th century; Bohr was the first to apply the quantum theory to the problem of atomic and molecular structure. He was a guiding spirit and major contributor to the development of quantum physics. He …

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…and occupied by Germany during WWII. These reasons plus many others are why I know Prof Bohr is a Great Scientists and one of the most important people to live. VI. 1. 2. A Human Uncertainty Principle: U.S. News & World Report Feb. 18, 2002 3. Nuclear America: Military and Civilian Nuclear Power in the United States, 1940-1980 Book by Gerard H. Clarfield, William M. Wiecek; Harper & Row, 1984