Investigate the increasing importance of human rights after World War II in both international and Australian law.

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Essay Database > Law & Government
Atrocities of 2nd War led to greater emphasis on role of international law in achieving peace and established United Nations, an international organisation for maintenance of security and promotion of human rights. In 1948, Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was proclaimed asserting rights to life, liberty and security of all. This led to a foundation for the fundamentality of human rights worldwide as states ratified and were liable to global scrutiny in abuses. Clearly, essentiality …

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…covenants and organisations reflect an upsurge in the importance of ensuring human rights worldwide. The abolishment of slavery, introduction of trade unionism and universal suffrage, current 'war on terrorism' with Guantanamo Bay detainees and domestic issues of illegal immigrants and Aborigines all highlight the ever-increasing significance of human rights that have evolved since World War II and have become the chief universal priority primarily due to media and NGOs by raising awareness domestically and internationally.