Introduction to Islam.

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Introduction to Islam Islam is a monotheistic religion. There is no God but the one God, and Muhammad is his prophet. Islam rejects the doctrine of the Trinity and considers Jesus to be one of the great prophets. Allah differs from the Jewish and Christian concept of God because Mohammed is morally capricious; he declares what is good or evil, and his declaration makes it true. The Muslim has no assurance of what it takes …

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…Mecca Jihad - Spiritual struggle (holy war or efforts). Islam is perhaps one of the most monolithic religions of all. Its major beliefs and practices are stated explicitly in the Qur'an, and conformity and unity are quite obvious across cultures. BIBLIOGRAPHY Braswell, George Jr. ISLAM. Nashville, Tennessee: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1996. Braswell, George Jr. Understanding Sectarian Groups in America. Nashville, Tennessee: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1994. Jeremiah, David. Invasion of other Gods. Dallas, Texas: Word Publishing, 1995.