Introduction Of Islam

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
Introduction for Non-Muslim Visitors Welcome to our non-Muslim visitors. We realize that some of the names for sections are in Arabic, and while familiar to Muslims, they may not be so to our non-Muslim guests. Also, non-Muslim visitors may want to gain a more basic understanding of the Islamic religion. There may also be others who have shown interest in Islam and are looking for additional information or have a particular question. What …

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…six million Muslims living in the United States out of 1.2 billion in the world. Only 18% of Muslims live in the Arab world. Demographers say that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the U.S. (and the world) due to high birth rate, immigration, and high conversion rate. By the year 2000, Islam is predicted to be the second largest religion in America if it is not already, surpassing Judaism, Mormonism, Jehovah's Witness, and other religions.