Intro to International Relations

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
1. Briefly review the major conceptual, methodological and theoretical problems in the field of International Relations. Explain the ways by which post-behavioralism can overcome the shortcomings of the behavioral approach. The study of International Relations (IR) touches or overlaps with every other social science, which leads to several problems with the concepts, methods and theories within the field. Because the scope of IR is so broad terminology is not clearly defined leading to confusion or a …

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…is extremely accurate but does not call for anything other than quantitative analysis. It works because data is measurable, provable and accurate. It closely follows the widely accepted scientific approach. The overall cost (time, resources and money) makes this approach problematic. Post-Behaviorism Approach introduced a new way of being scientific and following a set of standardized procedures without the effort, time or cost of the Behaviorism Approach. Post-Behaviorism allows for more generalizations keeping relative accuracy.