Into the mind of a serial killer.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
It isn't hard to enter the local Barnes and Noble and find a book about a serial killer. It isn't hard to go to the movie theater and see a film based on a serial killer. It isn't hard to turn on the television and find something playing starring a serial killer. Today, killings seem to be a very common theme in popular culture. However, with these industries churning out item after item centered around …

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…Dragon. New York: Dell, 1981. Linnes, Katie. The Correlation Between Animal Abuse and Human Abuse. Mankato State University. 20 Apr. 2002 <>. Scott, Shirley L. Crime Library: What Makes Serial Killers Tick? Courtroom Television Network LLC. 24 Mar. 2002 <>. Sycamnias, Evan. Evaluating a Psychological Profile of a Serial Killer. 24 Mar. 2002 <>.