Interviews with 2 people about the Vietnam War.

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Essay Database > History > World History
Mr. Clements is a retired Mechanic from Oakland County, MI. He now resides in Novi, MI. He's a very opinionated man who always speaks his mind. He was in his early twenties when the war began. Mr Clements said that people would refuse to listen to his opinions because of his age, He also says "Although I was still young, my mind was older and wiser then most." "Pure stupidity, I tell you, there was …

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…hasn't married she says "He was her one and only." "My parents were strong supporters of the war but I, after my love left, became anti war." Ms. Wills said in a strong tone. I asked her how she felt about the fall of South Vietnam in 1975 and she replied "That was a point where my heart dropped, those poor people I felt terrible." After this interview I concluded that Mrs. Wills is a dove.