Interrelationships Between Vietnamese Culture and Literature

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Essay Database > Literature
Throughout Vietnamese literature there are a few themes that are almost always present. Some of the themes are kindness, loyalty, and obedience. Vietnamese literature is the written manifestation of Vietnamese values and society. Throughout almost all of the literary work of Vietnam, this holds true, whether it be a myth, folktale, or other work of creative writing. These themes are taught to children through their parents and the ancient folktales and myths are more like …

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…The relationship between culture and literature is very strong in Vietnam. There are few works of creative writing that don't involve the base values of Vietnamese society. The stories have guided the Vietnamese people into a state of mind that is quite peaceful, happy, friendly, and pleasant. Culture and literature in Vietnam have basically become mirror images of each other, both showing the same image of the Vietnamese people and their traditions, beliefs, and values.